Tuesday, January 28, 2014

highway 51 bridge to Baja Road

19 mile hike 1-27-14 

I began from my "tag point" of last week, the north end of the bridge over the Snake River. from there I walked 2.5 miles north on highway 51 to Air Base Gravel Pit Road. followed that for many miles. 

Only 2 miles out from my car, I ran into Private Property! I had to do some creative walking around, which upped my mileage from the planned 18 to 19.

I have now connected between the ICT at Brown's Creek jct with highway 78 over to the beginning of Baja Road.

I finished Phase I I of the "Snake River Sojourn" much more quickly than I anticipated, thanks to 2 consecutive weeks of shuttle rides from Darwin Clampitt.

on to phase I I I tying phase I and I I together.....

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